Ways to Rest - the mind, body, and spirit
- Take time away from the ordinary day of busy-ness or your normal way of doing things
- Get a Message
- A basic walk or stroll in the neighborhood or mall
- Listening to soft meditative music
Rest without Sleeping
How to give yourself the break your body needs
"Sabbath-keeping is more than just taking a day of rest – it is a way of ordering one’s life around a pattern of working six days and then resting on the seventh. It is a way of arranging one’s life to honor the rhythm of things – work and rest, fruitfulness and dormancy, giving and receiving, being and doing, activism and surrender." ~ Barton, Ruth Haley. Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation.
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006. p.134.
Explore more ways we can REST from worries and concerns in life
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